Friday, July 1, 2011

July 2011 update

It's been a while since posting an update.
So....the bottom line is....I am learning that diet absolutely makes a difference for me.
This past weekend, I even took a 3 day, cooking class at the Restaurant School on Walnut Hill in Philadelphia with Christina Pirello (you can check out her website at

I am currently alternating between 4 to 5mg of prednisone (I have been on low dose prednisone like this for a few months now while starting and maintaining a new diet of no junk food etc...)

I lower the dose 1mg at a time (i started lowering dose 1mg at a time once I was at 10mg).  I had originally started prednisone earlier this Spring while I was taking humira and  basically had side effects that made me lose the use of my left leg and left arm.  Thus, my mom quickly put me on 20mg of prednison to see if it would stabilize me and it did stabilize me.

From there, I reduced to 15mg, then to 10mg and once I got to 10mg...i reduced prednisone 1mg at a time, under the support and supervision of my family doctor and the experienced advice of Ginny Harper who has been managing her crohns for more than 30 years without drugs.

Now I am working to stay at 4mg.  I am working towards 0mg.  I lower the dose when I go about 2 to 3 weeks without ANY symptoms so it could take 2 more weeks, 2 more months or 2 more years until I get off prednisone and my body begins making its own steroids.  there is no magic body is guiding me.

My daily diet is...
breakfast = soft, warm breakfast cereal (like oatmeal)...sometimes it is oatmeal, sometimes it is an "oatmeal like" type of porridge but made with brown rice, or millet or both etc..  I will often put some rice syrup on the breakfast cereal.  EAting a sugar free breakfast  has been one of the hardest changes I have had to make but once y ou get used to it and you get used to feeling all starts to become "regular".

sometimes I have scrambled eggs (maybe once a week)...and my mom often mixes the eggs with scrambled tofu (she adds tumeric to make tofu yellowish like eggs).

sometimes I have mochi wafffles (you can buy mochi in more and more stores.  we cut them into little squares and put them on a waffle maker).. YUMMY !!  I have them about once a week.   Sometimes my mom makes some great millet pancakes (eden recipe is on-line and she mixes in arrowmills,  organic, sugar free , mulit-grain pancake mix instead of using 100% of the recommended flour in recipe).

So, most days , I have a porridge like warm cereal, which is suppose to be helpful because it doesn't spike my sugar and it's warm temperature is very healing for my digestive tract and not cold and shocking to myd igestitve tract.

Whether I have a porridge, mochi waffles or eggs etc....I also have some cooked veggies.

I know that sounds really weird but it's no different than an omelette with veggies and besides....most of the world's culture's eat some type of veggies in the morning.  The USA is a country that doesn't really eat the same way that the rest of the world eats.

Normally, the veggies are green veggies of various kinds and sometimes they are steamed, sauteed, or stir fried etc....or quick boiled.  Sometimes, I put a flax oil on top (instead of butter).  Flax oil cannot be heated so it is just poured on top.

I also take supplements at breafast: multi-vitamin, d3, b-12, iron, prednisone, L-theanine, Wob-enzymes

I had a doctors appointment in May and I had the BEST results since I was originally diagnosed.  My albumin was better, my calcium was better, I felt better, my abcess had formed scar tissue and I was feeling great.

But guess what the doctor said...he said he STILL wanted to put me on methotrexate and he STILL wanted me to do tube feeds and he STILL wanted me to get a G-tube put into my stomach.


Because he said once I go off my prednisone, my crohns will come back with a vengeance so he wants to prepare me for that terrible day that he says is in my future.

Needless to say, I didn't agree to what he said (and neither did my mom).  My mom asked him how they taper off prednisone and he said they just go 15mg to 10 mg to 5 mg and then to zero thus they never taper slowly like I am doing thus I think that is why my response to tapering off prednisone will not be the terrible experience that they predict because I am not tapering directly from 5mg to zero mg.

Well...this is a little update.

So far, I am learning that diet makes a difference and OH...bythe way......once I stopped taking all the big drugs like Humira...I never missed a day of school for being sick and I made the honor role !!

I am attaching a more recent picture of me so you can see how I am looking lately.  I forgot to add that in my case, I need to gain weight and take in alot of protein and that is not always easy to do because I don't eat animal protein.  So, I use a dairy free, sugar free protein drink that has 25mg of protein per scoop and I have 2 scoops per day.  I think this  has really, really helped me and was particularly responsible for helping improve my albumin levels and calcium levels.  It is by PEACEFUL PLANET and it is the sugar free french vanilla with spirulina powder.  I use a blender and it is not the greatest tasting shake but I add very small amounts of sugar free almond extract and vanilla extract.  It really helps me.

I hope this blog helps others and please write back because i like to hear what other people are experiencing so we can share and learn from each other.


Crohns+Teenager+Diet= HEALING!?!

look at me now <3

Monday, May 9, 2011

time is proving that diet does make a difference

Update....sorry for being gone for sooo long.  No news has been good news.  I had my visit with my G.I. doctor this past week w hich was my first visit since I stopped taking humira, stopped taking my tube feeds and began to see for myself wheher eating a whole foods, "no processed food" diet would make a difference.  This is what happened at my doctor visit but first....some background info.

As you may remember...I started humira in January 2011 after about 8 months on remicade.  After a few doses of humira I had some terrible reactions such as pink eye, worsening eye sight and then my left leg and left arm basically stopped working.  So, that's when I was in an emergency situation and went on 20 mg of prednisone which immediately stabilized my condition and slowly gave me the use of my arm and leg back.  (this was all happening before I began eating a disciplined diet of non-processed foods etc.)  My regular G.I. docs were not involved in my sudden decision to go on 20mg nor did they offer any support or interest in diet thus I pursued dietary changes without their support as well. My family doctor (who is awesome) oversaw my condition and supported my mom's decision to give me 20mg of prednisone.

 I did 20mg one day, 15mg the next day and 20mg again and so on and so on and alternated those doses for about 10 days until I stayed at 15mg and slowly tapered down to 10mg and then tapered one mg at time until I reached 6mg which is where I am today.

As many of you might know, I went to Tennessee with my mom at the end of February to learn the dietary program that worked for Ginny Harper and many othesr who suffered from crohns and colitis.  (i returned to tennessee by myself in april to learn more and fortify what I had begun a few weeks earlier).

I am now on 6mg of prednisone (it took approximately 7 weeks to go from 20mg of prednisone to 6mg) and now pretty darn disciplined at eating well (no sugar, no white flour, no additives and preservatives or processed foods etc....).

I have regular bowel movments (about 2 to 3 a day that are formed).  No nausea, no diarrhea, no stomach pain and no vomiting.  I no longer have the gas etc...that I once had and I haven't m issed any school since changing my diet. I don't have the joint pain I used to nor the headaches and eczema I used to either. I also no l onger have any abcesses or fistulas. In fact, the nurse practitioner said that scar tissue had formed where my fistula and abcess had been. YEAH !! Basically, I am currently not experiencing the symptoms of crohns that I used to have though my eye sight is still a bit blurry but that is obviously something I can't say for sure has to do with crohns because lots of people wear glasses who dont have crohns or colitis.

So...back to my doctors appointment I just had with my regular G.I. doctor(s) (again, remember...they havent' seen me since they sent me home 4 months earlier with a prescription to continue taking humira which they had just started in January 2011).

The doctor and nurse practitioner examine me and ask me all kinds of questions including "how do you feel today compared to one year ago?"  My answer was "much  better" (one year ago I had started remicade).

Then, they took my blood and the results were the best they have ever been since I was diagnosed.

So , ...guess what the doctor said?

Are you ready?

The d octor said, "we want you to still get a GTUBE, take methotrexate and 6MP".


The doctor explained that he believes when i am off the prednisone, my crohns will come back with a vengeance (he actually used the word vengeance).  Thus, he wants to prepare me for the pending doom and gloom tha the explained  is apparently awaiting me when I am no longer taking prednisone.

My mom told him we are tapering off the prednisone one mg at a time but he said that was not necessary and all we had to do was taper down to 5mg and then alternate 5mg one day and no prednisone the next day until I finally stop all prednisone.

I am following the tapering program that Ginny Harper and many others have followed which is 1mg at a time (once you get to 10mg) and my family doctor is heavily involved in my care and he is very supportive of our dietary choices and in fact, he is attending the Nutrition and Health Conference in San Francisco this week which is offered by the Univ. of Arizona Integrative Medical School.  (i think that is the name of the conference but it is something like that).

While at my doctor's visit with the G.I. doc, my mom asked the doctor (in his experience), how long it is that his patients begin experiencing crohns symptoms again after they stop taking all prednisone. He said it is normally about 2 months and he also added that most patients on low dose prednisone (which 6mg is considered low dose prednisone) are still having crohns symptoms (which I am not). next appointment with these doctors is in two months and it is not sure how many mg of prednisone I will be taking at that time because it depends on how my body responds as I taper down. It could be at 4mg 2mg or zero mg.....WHO KNOWS !!!  My family doctor supports our decision to taper down 1mg at a time.

I asked myG.I. doctor about diet and he just ignored me.  I even brought up the fact that a doctor made a presentation at an Inflammatory Bowel Disease conference in Phila in February where he said a vegetarian based diet, along with brown rice and miso soup seems to be helpful for crohns patients.  My G.I. doctor didn't have any comments about this nor did he ask me what I was eating nor did he tell me that I looked good (yes...I am looking better and not as pale as I used to be and I am gaining weight).

So, the  bottom line far I have learned that diet makes a BIG difference in managing crohns and in my experience it also affects how a fistula and abcess can heal.

I am only about 3 months into a life changing approach to try and manage my crohns with dietary discipline(s) that avoid processed foods, sugar, white flour etc. etc. etc.....

We will see what happens from this point forward but so good.

I would recommend dietary discipline(s) to anyone who is serious about wanting to be free from taking drugs, especially those drugs which have such serious side effects.

I had alot to share because I haven't really shared alot about my medical history up until now.  I hope this helps.

See ya !!!....and thanks mom for helping me write this blog post !

Thursday, April 14, 2011

In Tennessee with Ginny

Back down in tennessee!!!!! YAY! The plain wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, considering it was the first time on a plain afterI was diagnosed.... not that much changed, but I didn't know! We went down to 7.5mg of prednisone, and after that... what appeared,but another absess!? A lot smaller and less severe, but another absess none the less.
Hopefully, staying and eating down with ginny again will help me! :)
Today we had a picnik! We also went and walked through a labyrinth- pretty much a really small maze made of high grass that you walk around (and its impossible to get lost- sadly) and then you meditate while in it.
When I came home, I had some mochi, puffins(cereal) with hemp milk, and I am now having some hot water with umoboshi to balance that :)
If you didn't know I am from philadelhpia, and ironicly enough, there is another lady here FROM PHILADELPHIA!!! Philly is just that cool! And as soon as she finishes her ionising foot bath I am gong to do mine, which will be soon. I'll post some photos! Post soon!!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bio Rad GTCA Song

enzymesss.... they be helping me digest my food!!!!! <3 only made funny!!! BAHAHHAHAHAHA! We watched this in biology class while studying DNA.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Four More Days!!!!

So in four days.... Hello tenesee and good Byeeeee pensylvania! I can't wit to go down to ginny's, other than the fact that I'm missing two days of school meaning I have to study my butt off for the tests I am gonna be missing so I will have to take them 2 days early. That is te only bad thing. But other than all that stuff it's gonna be fun in the sunn. :) nice warm weather and nice healthy food. Hopefully I will get down to 5mg of prednisone. Oh did I forget to mention.. THAT I'M ON ONLY 7 1/2 mg of prednisone. Woohooooo!!!
Tonight mommy and I went to the movies tonight. Instead if popcorn and soda, the treat was hint water and soy beans. Life. Is. Good.
Well if I am going to stay on my amazing sleep schedule I would have to go bed in like 5 minutes and let my dog to pee. So I am gonna go now. Talk to u soon :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Vitamins and Minerals- taken daily

come look at the whole album on vitamins and minerals
click here

my refrigerator


after school snacks <3

SO close...yet SO FAR!!!!

Heyyy Guys!!!!!
SO if you were wondering how I have been doing in school because I am always sick and have crohns and (as most people) am very stressed because I have "a lot going on", well I am doing very well!! I actually just had a math test and got a 95% ! Leaving me with a 98 (A+) in Algebra! Thats skill! English 87(B+) -so close to an A!!!! But yet, SO FAR! The other subjects are boring, but if you were wondering, my worst subject is Western World... I have a 75% (C) uhg.
Anyway.. enough about my boring school life..... I have gone down to 10miligrams of prednisone, and soon to be 7_1/2 !!!! WOOHOO!!!
Spring break starts next week- you know what that means!?!?!? :D
more posting! AND GOING TO TENNESSEE TO SEE GINNY!!!!! PARTYYYYYYY... the healthy way! XD
well just wanted to give you an update.

p.s. if you guys haven't noticed if you scroll ALLLLL the way to the bottom of my blog, you can see some photos of me eating, with ginny, etc. just scroll down and they are on the right click on them and go ahead.. knock your self out ;)
thanks for the support! <3

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Checking in

Hi everyone!
I have been doing great lately..... at everything, but posting, that is! haha
I have felt great with little to NO crohns pain... muscle pain, but thats pretty much it!
I am very excited becuase during spring break, I get to go back down to Tenneesee!!!!! TO GO SEE GINNY!!! YAYYYYY
I will try to post every day down there and explain what happens.... in the mean while. ill try to post at least once  a week. AT LEAST!
Well, the weather today is beautiful, so I am going to go ride my bike with my friend! LUV YA!!!
Will Post Soon.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

People who snore always fall asleep first

Went to bed at 10:30 last, night realized this morning... pink eye was back! great! no.. not great. I hate pink eye. i think that it is either from my makeup remover, or my eye liner, i have to experiment... but I don't like experimenting. Anyway, this morning I ALSO woke up to a charlie horse! FUNNN!!! NOOOO! So I ended up not going to school because I was sensitive to almost everything!Plus I was SUPER tired, a lot more tired than normal! Even my madre was worried! So I went back to sleep, not to mention sweat like crazy ( I was wearing a sweatshirt and sweat pants- no wonder), but I slept until 2:30! ---hint the title!

And on top of all of this, my poor baby kitty came home last night with the whole top right side of his head beaten up: giant bump (HUGE), hair gone, blood everywhere, and eye half shut. Mommy says, if we take him to the vet, they would probably have to put him down, but this is the sweetest cat on earth we are talking about, and if he doesn't die from going to the vet, I think he will die of the depression of not being allowed to go outside. I feel so bad for him :( and there is nothing I  can do.
Dinner last night went great! She loved it, she is (for the most part) also a macrobiotic. We had spaghetti squash, rice and millet, amazing lentil soup (with a hint of lemon.. yummy), brussel sprouts ( i know I'm weird, i like them), and baby bok choy! then my dessert worked out wonderfully! mhmm mhmmm. except it was a little big! hahahah, but that's okay, I think the more oats and jelly the better! Right?

and I know I haven't been posting lately, I have to get back to that, but I try! there is a lot going on. When your 14 , have high school, and a blog... that's a lot!
Talk To You Soon!
FYI- if u didn't know if you click in the water, up by the fish, you can feed them... quite entertaining!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

MISOOOOO hungry!

Prednisone. I have nw started prednisone, which makes you pretty much, ALWAYS hungry. I have a new snack also! MISO. I have a new specialty... all made/discovered my ME. It all started when.... one night I got really hungry while watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail- stupid- so I was like, "I want something light, but with a good taste, and some noodles.... SOUP!" that's when it hit me. I brought out the miso, got the miso master and put that to the side. Boiled the water, added left of veggies from the night before, then a little fish, for protein and soy beans, also for protein. Next comes the best part.... seasoning! Cloves, Chives, Leaks, Oregano, Scallions, and Herbamere. Yum Yum Yum Yum YUMMY!!!! Then last but not least, the MISO! Its as simple as THAT! the best part is, you can cook it up in like 5 minutes, oh and I forgot the noodles! just throw in a handful of noodles (precooked). nom nom nom nom.
Well, anyway.. .I have also fallen in love with sushi! I never thought I would like it, until now! Its heavenly! I could eat everyday, for every meal! thats actually whzat I had for lunch today, with some MISO soup and greens! ironic!
Tonight, we are having a guest for dinner! So I get to do the honors of... dessert. :)
so tonight, dessert is going to be a small amazake pudding/ drink type thing and some fruit oatmeal bars <3
wish me luck!
well, I am going to go do my homework and get working on dessert!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pain, Pain, and MORE Pain!

My stomach has been fine, up to today..... i don't know what happened! I have not had stomach pain AT ALL!!!!!!! and the pain that I did have today only lasted about 20 minutes. Now I have a bigger problema! My leg KILLS me! I have been on crutches for the past two days.... and today my arm( bicept) started hurting me. I hate crutches with a burning passion.... I used to love them as a kid, joking around with them and pretending that I had a broken leg, but now that I have an injured leg, and actually need crutches, it changes everything! Oh, and what else is back? BUT MY PINK EYE!!!! ISNT IT WONDERFUL!? NO! its not! It stinks! Another antibiotic (eyedrops) for my eye, and Cream (for my nose) which is surprisingly helpful right now! Except it turns ur nose white, and it looks wierd, mommy says that it is my white blood cells coming to the surface to help it heal! How cool is that!? U never knew that they came OUT of your body, let alone your nose! Well, at least I didnt know that!
Wellllllll, I am going tro go finish my western world homework that I don't understand at all :D yay fun!

Friday, March 4, 2011

10 days down..... only a year left! WOOHOO!!!

I have ALL NEW BLOOD!!!!! YAYYYYY!!!!!
Ginny said that when you have 10 straight days of strict healing diet.. your blood cells a good way!
Yesterday was that 10th day!
At Whole Foods they have these very small dark chocolate earth balls (the tinfoil around the chocolate has a picture of the globe on it)...... when I do good I get 1, but I don't get more than 2 a week :(
I am going to my first movie (from when I can't have THEIR snacks) tomorrow. so tonight I made my first ever.... RICE BALLS!!!!! they are QUITE fun, and very messy :/ haha
It is so much more simple than you would think:
  • Get rice
  • large bowl of water (normal sized)
  • strips of Nori
  • and umoboshi plum (in small pieces)
  1. Wet your single strip of Nori
  2. Make a tight ball in your palm with your rice
  3. squeeze the umeboshi into the middle
  4. finish rapping the ENITRE rice ball until secure
  5. DO AGAIN and AGAIN... then keep in fridge over night or even for a few nights ;)
So those are ONE of the things I am bringing tomorrow. I am also going to bring my amazing. delishious BOILED nuts! And DON'T forget the cereal :O
Last but not least, my rice cakes.... (we will be seeing two movies.... so we will be there for a while!)
Anyway... Last but not least... my mini rice cakes they are quite small, AND delishious! They are about the size of when you connect your thumb and your first finger... They are plain salted, and thats all :)
I am planned to have a great time! Well I have (for some reason) been getting really tired really early lately, so I am going to go get in the shower and go to bed! NIGHT GUYS!!!!!

Should I even say it? Yes.....
COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

Friday, February 25, 2011

Snack Time

I am leaving tomorrow! NO! I don't want to leave!
I love it here in TN. Life is sweet. Getting these amazing meals made for me, always having a "good" snack around, and help.
Ginny went to the store to get some snacks for our ride home :) ME like snacks! She was going to make me rice crispy's, but they didn't have the right stuff :'( *tear* so she got these really good cereal puffs called puffins. They are delicioso! Escpecially when you add almonds, cashews, and walnuts;) . (keep in mind, don't eat raw nuts, always cook/blanch them) I had that snack today, and now I know my main snack. I also discovered, in our messed up world of ours, Tahini! I put it on my rice cakes, and then I use SUGAR FREE jelly, smuckers doesn't count, and yum.
Well, Keep these in mind. For other GREAT snacks you can buy Ginny's book, I don't know it off the top of my mind, but I guarantee that it is on her website :

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The beginning to my HEALING! :D

Well, I have been at Ginny's house since Monday now. I created this blog actually while I have been here. On Monday, my first day I remember I didn't think I was going to like this diet (its macrobiotics <-- it even sounds nasty), but turns out it was AMAZING! We had rice, barley, and spelt for BREAKFAST, stir fry and lentil soup for LUNCH, and broccoli, lentil loaf(like meatloaf, but less..... meaty), spaghetti squash, udon noodles, and broccoli pickles ALL for DINNER!
Be honest.. how AMAZING does that sound!? Pretty good right? It was!
After dinner I had this small glass of aloe juice and other immune juice (i'll post pictures eventually),surprisingly it tastes like a really good like fruit juice!That night I used an ionized machine on my feet. It pulled out all the bad and nasty stuff out. I even had parasite, and again I will post pictures eventually.
Now that was all Monday. Now time for Tuesday.
Waffles without flour?! Yes. It IS possible, and it is pretty good! I got a ginger compress on my back that day, and the next, you do it for three days in a row, that means my last one is tonight. I am quite excited. You lay on your tummy while watching TV and she puts a HOTTTTT towel on your back and you lay there for about 20 minutes and she(Ginny) is always lifting it up and dipping it in the hot water again.
Well, I don't understand this book we are reading for English, so my mom is going to take me to the movie store and hopefully we find the book, wish us luck!
I hope we don't get lost. Oh goodness.
COMMENT!!!! OR QUESTION!!! !PLEASE! I like reading them!

My First Post

Hi Everyone!
I am Harley,and this is my first blog. EVER. I was diagnosed with crohns at the age of 13, in December 2009. I am now 14, soon to be 15. I have been on stupid NG tube feeds for 13 (and a half) months. Except, THIS WHOLE month, I havent been doin them!!!! YAYY!!!! I have had severe crusty nose, and runny nose, and a crohnic sore throat, so mother dearest let me stop for a while :) .
 I was on Remicade ( which I thought wasn't too bad, other than sitting in the hospital for 6 hours, and having constant upper respiratory issues), but now Remicade doesn't work for me. I am on humira. I have only had 2-3 doses. I don't want to take Humira. I want to try to heal my crohns through diet *(hint to the name of my blog)*
I was hesitant beginng humira, except I HAD to take the first dose, because I was in the hospital, then the second dose never came in the mail. PROBLEM? NOPE (well, not in my case)! I was luvin' it! I was trying a healthier diet. I wanted to keep trying, but I kept sneaking in small snacks that I shouldn't have been having, and of course I kept on getting worse. My mother finally came to me and said that I had to take the (stupid) humira. I agreed (not willingly). I took it, even though it was EXCRUCIATINGLY painful! *(another reason I absolutely HATE humira)*
I have decided that I am not going to sneak in any more little snacks. I am going to try a macrobiotic diet, and I am going to heal, just like my new friend Ginny did (her website listed at bottom). I want to be JUST like her. I want to not be on any meds, until I die,or turn old and HAVE TO go on meds. Anyway, I want to eat well, which as I have been told by my sister is cool, especially before your sweet 16 party.
I hope this diet works out and I will try to post a lot!!! LEAVE COMMENTS!!! !PLEASE!

Ginny Harper's website-